Exemption Exam to Be Held for Common Courses

EXEMPTION EXAM TO BE HELD FOR AİT 100-101-102 / İNG 100-101-102 / TUR 100-101-102 / BİL 100-101-102 / YİT 100-101-102 / ENG 100-101-102 / AİT 103-104-200 / COM 100-101-102 COURSES

  • An exemption exam will be held on 21.02.2022 and 22.02.2022 for common courses given at both Turkish and English medium departments. ONLY new students registering for the spring semester academic year 2021-2022 can take the exam according to the guidance given below:


    BİL 100/101/102
    İNG 100/101/102
    TUR 100/101/102
    AİT 100/101/102 (Cypriot and Turkish students)
    AİT 103/104/200 (Foreign students)


    COM 100/101/102
    ENG 100/101/102
    TUR 100/101/102 (Cypriot and Turkish students)
    YIT 100/101/102 (foreign students)
    AİT 100/101/102 (Cypriot and Turkish students)
    AİT 103/104/200 (foreign students)


  • Only the students who enroll at NEU in the 2021-2022 spring semester are eligible to sit for the exemption exam. Those students who are already enrolled in their second semester and who have already taken one of the mentioned courses will not be considered as a candidate for the exam. • For semesterly programs, the students who are successful in the exam will be exempt from both 101 and 102 courses at the same time. The letter grade for these courses will be assigned according to the exam score. The same letter grade will be assigned for both 101 (or 103) and 102 (or 104) in the case of the semesterly programs. Once a student takes the exemption exam and receives a grade, it is not possible for that student to take any of the courses.


  • The failing students need to take both 101 and 102 coded courses.
  • The exam will include all the topics of 101 and 102 courses. The topics can be found on UZEBIM’s website. •
  • Those who wish to sit for the exam should apply for the exam by registering here: “ https://neu.edu.tr/2021-2022-bahar-donemi-muafiyet-sinavlari-kayit-formu/ ” Registrations will be taken until 20.02.2022, 17:00.


  • The timetable for the exemption exam, which will be held online (e-exam), is as follows: