Honour and High Honour Certificates

Dear Students,

The students who have earned the right to receive Honour or High Honour Certificates during the Fall Term of 2019-2020; Spring Term of 2019- 2020; and Fall Term of 2020-2021 can reach the List of Names by clicking the link below and download their certificates;

Link: https://uzem.neu.edu.tr/mod/page/view.php?id=687735&lang=en

The students who have graduated from our university and earned the right to receive these certificates during the academic terms stated above may have their accounts fall into abeyance in our system. These students can write an email to the address [email protected] and ask for their certificates.

*The certificates that belong to the academic terms before the semesters mentioned above were given by the Faculties and Academies which were received by the students in person and therefore are not included in this application.

*Those students who do not have a certificate but believe that they have earned one, must write to their advisors in their faculties /academies and the advisors must check from the system and if necessary, make a request to this address:  [email protected]